David Setyanugraha
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Lessons from Indiehackers Movements
January 16, 2021

Hi friends,

This week my weekly knowledge are all about my personal lessons indiehackers movement. Thanks for spending time reading my short essay!

  1. Share your story to inspire everybody!

    Indiehacker is a place where we can “learn from the founders behind hundreds of profitable online businesses, and connect with others who are starting and growing their own companies.” It is an interesting place where I can learn the story of every people who just started their company. I could say the idea of indiehacker itself is brilliant. Before learning about indiehacker, I think it always become a taboo stuff to share your company details to someone. But, after looking at indiehacker community, I realised that the story could become an inspiration for everybody else. There are lots of people in indiehacker who is solo founder. That’s why indiehacker is also a great place to make yourself accountable with what you do.

  2. Business should create value and help people!

    From Indie hacker stories, I learned that business doesn’t have always to be Saas. Initially, my mindset In Indiehacker, we can find successful story of founders where they can get profit just by selling digital product such as knowledge (how to start podcast), tool (extension). However, all successful companies have one same common ground. All companies start from the goal to create value and help people!

  3. You don’t always need to solve rocket-science problem!

    We always heard that a business start from the problem that you would solve. I always thought that we need to have an interesting problem to be solved to start a company. But, in Indiehacker, I found it is not always the case. My perspective about problem definition in business has changed bit. You can also build a successful company by solving a boring problem. By boring problem, I meant a problem that may be have been solved before and not a super sketchy problem. For example, you want to solve the problem of transportation. There has been many solutions for this problem in the past decades. But, you can also create a new business in that area if you can find solution that much better than existing solutions. I think the boring company is one of the good example for this case. From the website: “The Boring Company constructs safe, fast-to-dig, and low-cost transportation, utility, and freight tunnels.” It is maybe a boring problem they want to solve. But if Elon Musk and the team can make this vision true, then The boring company could become a very big company. Imagine how many countries in this world need their technology!